
Hygienic hand disinfection

Hygienic hand disinfection is defined as rubbing the dry hands with alcohol-based preparations over a time period of 30 seconds. The aim of the procedure is the inactivation of the microorganisms that reached the surface of the skin (Transient skin flora) by contact with microbially contaminated objects, etc. With reductions factors of > 4 log10, hygienic hand disinfection yields much higher reductions factors than Hygienic handwashing or simple handwashing, thus providing maximum safety. In contrast to handwashing, microorganisms are not spread into the environment during hygienic hand disinfection. Further advantages: The procedure can be carried out everywhere and independently of washbasins and water, and features higher skin tolerability than handwashing with water and soap/wash lotions.

See also Skin compatibility of hand disinfectant

Hygienic hand disinfection
Alcohol-based hand disinfectants can hygienically be dispensed - independently of a washbasin and water.

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