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Sustainable fibres put to the test


Close-up of a microscope with a disinfectant wipe under the lens Close-up of a microscope with a disinfectant wipe under the lens

Cellulose-based disinfectant wipes: same same, but different

With up to 1,800 tonnes per year in Germany alone, disinfectant wipes also contribute to the waste generated by hospitals and other healthcare facilities. Therefore, switching to sustainable alternatives is inevitable, even for something as inconspicuous as a disposable wipe. But not every modern, sustainable wipe fibre meets the high standards.

The HARTMANN SCIENCE CENTER has tested various wipe fibres in detail and compared the following properties:

  • distribution of the liquid
  • interaction of fibre and chemistry
  • tensile strength
  • fibre residue on the surface

Read our free whitepaper ‘Sustainable fibres put to the test’ to find out what the research has disclosed and what the differences between the various types of fibre are.

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