Image showing the skyline of Hamburg with outlines of disinfection products and a graphic network strukcture Image showing the skyline of Hamburg with outlines of disinfection products and a graphic network strukcture

Save the Date: HARTMANN SCIENCE CENTER Symposium 2025

On May 20, 2025, HARTMANN will continue with the next HARTMANN SCIENCE CENTER Symposium. This year's title is "Because it matters - Innovations in Infection Prevention".

The symposium will include two sessions:

  • Session 1: Maintaining high standards - Infection Prevention in outpatient care
  • Session 2: Striving forward - shaping the future of inpatient care

The online stream will be available simultaneously translated in english as well as in german.

A detailed programme will be provided together with the invitation. Please save this date already.

Speakers and topics

Agenda with the title Speakers & Topics

Frequently asked questions

This symposium is aimed at infection prevention specialists (IPC), IPC nurses, quality assurance employees, nursing and surgical managers as well as those interested in hygiene, disinfection, and infection prevention measures.
All participants will receive a confirmation of attendance after the event.
The symposium is free of charge for participants.
If you would like to participate in the event, please fill out the registration form, once it's online. You will then receive all further information in a confirmation email.

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