Unite for safety: clean your hands – Together for more safety with good hand hygiene!
Every year on 5 May – a symbol for the five fingers our hands – the World Health Organisation (WHO) reminds everyone of the importance of hand hygiene and calls on all people in contact with the health sector to join in. This year, the motto is “Unite for safety: clean your hands”. More than ever, WHO is calling for workers across all levels to join forces and create a culture that values hand hygiene and infection prevention.
Strong together against germs
Less than 200 years ago, the majority of experts still believed that diseases spread via so-called miasmas. Hygienists like Robert Koch and Louis Pasteur initially fell on deaf ears with their findings on the transmission of diseases like cholera and tuberculosis [1]. Today, hardly anyone would dare deny the existence of germs. It has long been clear that bacteria, viruses and other pathogens can be dangerous to us – sometimes more, sometimes less. Hands play an essential role in their spread!
Germs – #UniteForSafety – #StrongTogetherAgainstGerms
The fact that germs such as bacteria and viruses can cause diseases was only credibly demonstrated at the end of the 19th century by Robert Koch and Louis Pasteur. Before that, harmful vapours from the soil ("miasmas") were assumed to be the cause [1].
Ignaz Semmelweis noticed as early as 1845 that hands play a major role in the transmission of diseases and was able to halve maternal mortality in Viennese hospitals by implementing hand washing [1].
Learn more about bacteria, viruses and fungi and their modes of transmission here.