European Norms (EN)

International Infection Prevention Week 16. to 22. October
One awareness day alone? – For the fundamentally important topic of infection prevention, it can be a whole week: the "International Infection Prevention Week" has been celebrated annually since 1986. The aim of this awareness week: to promote consistent and properly implemented infection prevention in everyday life as well as in the professional environment.
This year, International Infection Prevention Week, which runs from 16 to 22 October, commemorates the 50th anniversary of professionally organised infection prevention. The motto: "The Future is Infection Prevention: 50 Years of Infection Prevention". The occasion: the founding of the APIC (Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology) in 1972. The organisation has also been organising the international action week since 1986. But the infection professionals from the USA do not want to dwell on the past: Many initiatives for this year's awareness week want to show how we can contribute to better infection protection in our everyday lives, as patients and relatives or as healthcare professionals.
For all: infection prevention in everyday life
Even if protection against Corona in public still sets the agenda. Because of flu and noroviruses as well as other pathogens, measures to interrupt chains of infection are always reasonable in everyday life and in the private settings: This includes regular hand washing as well as the advice not to share glasses, cups, toothbrushes, or lipsticks with others. More everyday tips for avoiding infections in our infographic –do you know them all?
For patients and relatives: keep an eye on hygiene, too!
Patients in healthcare facilities should be particularly protected against infections. Because here, it is important to prevent nosocomial infections. Visiting family members and friends as well as the patients themselves therefore have a special responsibility: They can be an important part of good infection prevention if they pay attention to hygiene in the patient’s environment and regularly remind healthcare staff to work hygienically. Patients should, for example, wash themselves with antiseptic soap/washing lotion in good time before an operation. More tips can be found here:
For healthcare professionals: don't forget the basics!
Healthcare professionals in hospitals and care facilities continue to be the decisive interface in the fight against nosocomial infections. What healthcare professionals should pay attention to when dealing with patients is therefore summarised in our further poster with measures for infection prevention. They are tips for basic hygiene that all health professionals should know. You too?:
Conclusion: Everyone can make a contribution.
As you can see, the commitment to better infection prevention concerns everyone: patients and professionals, in hospitals or care facilities and at home. Therefore, join in! Print out our posters and display them in your environment! The more people heed the recommended protective measures, the better. Celebrate and live infection prevention with us!
International Infection Prevention Week 2022: Visit the IIPW website to learn more about the awareness week and your opportunities to improve infection prevention: Infection prevention and you
MISSION: INFECTION PREVENTION: Everything you need to know about our holistic approach at HARTMANN to prevent nosocomial infections. Learn more ...