Clean hands are within reach – and so are healthy ones!
The Global Handwashing Partnership's worldwide day of action celebrates its anniversary:October 15 marks the 15th anniversary of Global Handwashing Day, which promotes the importance of hand hygiene in general and handwashing. This time, under the motto: "Clean hands are within reach" – because hand washing with soap is a particularly simple and effective method of infection prevention [1].
Hand washing is complemented by hand disinfection, especially in the healthcare sector. Here, disinfecting hands with a hand disinfectant is one of the most important measures for interrupting chains of infection and is therefore essential for healthcare professionals.
The basic prerequisite for successful hand hygiene, however, is healthy skin. Because only healthy hands protect effectively: Healthcare workers cite skin irritation as the most common reason for lack of hand disinfection compliance, with 85% of caregivers reporting temporary skin damage to their hands. Frequent hand washing and incorrect use of gloves are possible causes [2].
Yet maintaininghealthy hands are literally within reach – because when applied correctly, the four key elements of hand hygiene- washing, disinfecting, moisturising and protecting – can preserve skin health and safeguard against infection.Hand washing is complemented by hand disinfection, particularly in the professional sector. Here, disinfecting hands with a hand disinfectant is one of the most important measures for interrupting infection chains and is therefore elementary for healthcare workers.
Why, how and with which products you as a healthcare professional can maintain clean, disinfected, and protected hands, as well as healthy and well-cared for ones, can be found in our brochure:
Join us in celebrating International Handwashing Day on 15.10. and cultivate a daily habit of good hand hygiene! Because clean hands are easy to achieve – and so are healthy ones! Only healthy hands can protect effectively.
#CleanHands #MissionInfectionPrevention #OnlyHealthyHandsCanProtect
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[1] Global Handwashing Partnership, About Global Handwashing Day, https://globalhandwashing.org/global-handwashing-day/about-ghd/ (accessed on: 22.08.2023)
[2] McGuckin M, Govednik J. Irritant Contact Dermatitis on Hands. Am J Med Qual 2017; 32 (1): 93–99.