Reprocessing of medical devices
Medical devices that can be used several times must be reprocessed according to the manufacturer's instructions.
In Germany, medical devices must be reprocessed using validated procedures after contamination or use in accordance with the recommendations of the KRINKO and the BfArM [2].
Waste disposal
Waste disposal is carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications and the Federal/State Working Group on Waste (LAGA) for the disposal of waste from healthcare facilities. [3].
Laundry and tableware
Used and contaminated linen must be collected and transported in such a way that there is no risk of contamination or infection. Laundry shall be reprocessed using disinfecting procedures that are regularly checked for effectiveness. After reprocessing, it must be ensured that clean and low-germ linen is available to each patient.
It must also be ensured that the tableware is clean and disinfected.
Education of patients and visitors
Patients and visitors should be informed about hygiene measures, e.g., in case of colonisation with MRSA, in order to be able to contribute independently to infection prevention.
Type of accommodation
Patients with an increased risk of transmitting infectious diseases shall be accommodated in single rooms as far as possible.
Recommendation on basic hygiene
Derivation of risk-minimising, in this case infection-preventive measures in practice - Importance of standard hygiene and, if necessary, supplementary measures to protect patients and staff from nosocomial infections [2].
- KRINKO Händehygiene (2016)
- KRINKO (2015) Infektionsprävention im Rahmen der Pflege und Behandlung von Patienten mit übertragbaren Krankheiten. Bundesgesundheitsbl 58: 1151-1170.
- LAGA (2015) Vollzugshilfe zur Entsorgung von Abfällen aus Einrichtungen des Gesundheitsdienstes