
Indications for hygienic hand disinfection

Typical situations that hold the risk of transmission of pathogenic microorganisms to staff or patient and require hygienic hand disinfection as prophylactic measure. In line with the WHO "Clean care is safer care" (2005) campaign and based on the RKI recommendations, in Germany the indications for hand disinfection are summarised in "five moments" that, at the same time, also consider the most common Nosocomial infections:

5 Moments for Hand Disinfection

1. Before patient contact.
To protect patients against the transmission of pathogens.

2. Before an aseptic task.
To protect patients against the transmission of pathogens and to prevent the patient's own microorganisms from entering the body.

3. After body fluid exposure risk (and after glove removal)
To protect the user, the environment and other patients against transmission.

4. After patient contact.
To protect the user, the environment and other patients against transmission.

5. After contact with patient surroundings.
To protect the user, the environment and other patients against transmission.

Indications for hygienic hand disinfection

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