European Norms (EN)

Efficacy against yeast-like fungi.
Fungicidal efficacy testing of disinfectants is carried out in stages:
Yeasticidal activity: efficacy against yeast-like fungi
Fungicidal activity: efficacy against all fungi and their spores
For proving yeasticidal efficacy, standards require in vitro tests (quantitative suspension tests; in the EN referred to as phase 2/step 1, e.g. according to EN 13624).
Test organism for the yeasticidal spectrum of activity: Candida albicans
The methods of the European Norms (EN) and the German Society for Hygiene and Microbiology (DGHM) for testing disinfectants for their yeasticidal efficacy are identical to a great extent.
Where applicable and depending on the application area (e.g. instruments, surfaces, etc.), there are practicable test methods available as well (in the EN referred to as phase 2/step 2).