In Germany, the following recommendations apply: "RKI-Empfehlung zur Prävention und Kontrolle von Methicillin-resistenten Staphylococcus aureus-Stämmen (MRSA) in medizinischen und pflegerischen Einrichtungen".
The RKI recommends screening at least the following people (by at least taking a swab from both the nasal atrium and any wounds):
- Patients with a known history of MRSA
- Patients from regions/institutions known for a higher prevalence of MRSA
- Dialysis patients
- Patients who have been admitted to inpatient hospital stays (> 3 days) in the past 12 months
- Patients who are in direct and regular contact with MRSA in their profession, e.g., contact with animals and agricultural animal feed (pigs, cattle, poultry)
- Patients who have been in contact with MRSA carriers during an inpatient stay (e.g., accommodated in the same room)
- Patients with the need for long-term care and one of the following risk factors: antibiotic treatment in the past 6 months or a catheter in place (e.g., a urinary catheter or PEG tube)
KRINKO (2014) Empfehlung zur Prävention und Kontrolle von Methicillin-resistenten Staphylococcus aureus-Stämmen (MRSA) in medizinischen und pflegerischen Einrichtungen. Bundesgesundheitsbl 57:696-732.,Bundesgesundheitsbl 57:696-732.