
What are the precautions for pregnant women when it comes to equipment and surface disinfectants?

As long as the equipment and surface disinfectants are used following the safety data sheets (SDS) or following the product information, any negative impact on pregnant women is avoided.

The “Act on Protection of Mothers at Work, Education and Studies” (Maternity Protection Act) prohibits pregnant women from handling hazardous substances that are toxic, harmful to health or are capable of causing chronic harm if the occupational exposure limit (OEL) is exceeded1. Please keep in mind that once the permissible limit is exceeded, any labour activity must be suspended immediately.
All legislation on hazardous substances that regulate the use of the HARTMANN equipment and surface disinfectants can be accessed online using the corresponding SDS2. For disinfectants that are not classified as hazardous substances, product information based on the SDS is available.

If a product is found to pose a risk to an unborn child following the Maternity Protection Act (EC/92/85 EEC)3, a warning will be given in the SDS section 15.1. The legislation will also indicate if any employment restrictions for pregnant or nursing mothers are to be observed.

To minimise possible risks, pregnant women should refrain from preparing disinfecting solutions from concentrates. To ensure that the OEL is not exceeded, please provide sufficient ventilation of the workplace by opening windows and creating a rapid air exchange. In rooms without windows, strict observance of the OEL must be maintained at all times.

1 Gesetz zum Schutz von Müttern bei der Arbeit, in der Ausbildung und im Studium (Mutterschutzgesetz - MuSchG) (23.05.2017) https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/muschg_2018/BJNR122810017.html (accessed on 19.04.2021).
2 Safety data sheets - https://productcatalogue.bode-chemie.com/products/alphabetical/safety-data-sheets.php
3 Council Directive 92/85/EEC from 19.10.1992 on the introduction of workplace measures aimed at improving health and safety of workers that are pregnant, who have recently given birth or are breastfeeding. https://eur-lex.europa.eu/eli/dir/1992/85/2019-07-26 (accessed on 19.04.2021).

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